
Django Version Manager has custom models to enhance your version management. However, you need to know that these models are application-unaware, which means they do not really know about your application’s name (machine-readable or human-readable).


Version is a model containing the following information about your version:

Field Field Type Nullable Default Description
major PositiveIntegerField False - Major version of your application.
minor PositiveIntegerField False - Minor version of your application.
patch PositiveIntegerField False - Patch version of your application.
status CharField(16) False - Status of your application.
release_date DateTimeField False - Release date of your application.
The field status can only take the values below:
  • prealpha
  • alpha
  • beta
  • stable

Instead of memorizing these, you can use django_version_manager.status.Status class. Status class extends enum.Enum, which means you have to extract the value. See a Version object creation example as following:


The standard querysets based on Version model is ordered due to their release_date property in a reversed manner. So, if you use filter or all queries on Version model, the first instance will have the latest release date.


Changelog helps you write metadata about a version of your application. It is directly linked to a Version instance in a one-to-one relationship.

Field Field Type Nullable Default Description
version OneToOneField False - Version instance.
log TextField False - A log of your version.